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Avoiding the Work-From-Home Time Trap Just like in any job, one of the most important parts of work-from-home success is the ability to manage your time and tasks wisely. This is not something that the majority of people are naturally good at, so here are some important tips to help you do both.

Task Management Tasks vary. They can be overly simple or incredibly complicated. They can be short-term or long-term. But, one thing remains consistent: they have deadlines. In all jobs, meeting deadlines is a critical part of job performance and failing to do so is a great way to get reprimanded or fired. Never miss a deadline again by implementing these easy tips. Make Mini-Deadlines Divide larger tasks up into chunks and put a deadline on each section.

It makes them more manageable and less intimidating. If you do this, you won’t be left with large amounts of work to complete at the last minute. This also helps you to feel accomplished instead of overwhelmed. Think Ahead Have a general plan in mind of how and when you will accomplish any task. Think of possible obstacles or complications and how you will avoid or overcome them. Don’t allow yourself to make excuses for not completing a task on time. Sticking to your timeline and/or plan as closely as possible will help you not to get off track and to finish your task efficiently.

Do the Most Dreaded Task First We’ve all heard this referred to as “eating the frog,” a phrase coined by Mark Twain. But, the idea is that if you accomplish the thing you don’t want to do first, everything else that day will be easy. Krossvord po geografii s otvetami 7 klass 5. Go straight to your most dreaded task first thing every morning and get it out of the way. You will spend less time worrying about getting it done and more time accomplishing the other things on your list.