Kompjyuternaya Prezentaciya Prakticheskih Dostizhenij Professionaljnoj Deyatelj
Participation of representatives of enterprises in conducting lectures and practical classes, conducting final certification of students, reviewing graduation.
Activities for preparing graduates for employment are annually organized by Rudny Industrial Institute. In general, a strategic partnership with employers allows to mutually modernize educational programs, carry out targeted training for students, implement corporate-oriented educational programs, and create branches of departments in production, production facilities and laboratories. More than 100 enterprises are included into the data bank of work with employers.
Rudny Industrial Institute positions itself as a regional higher educational institution. In this regard, the development of corporate cooperation is a priority of our activity. Work with corporate partners includes professional internship for students at the enterprises of the region, participation of representatives of enterprises in conducting lectures and practical classes, conducting final certification of students, reviewing graduation and term papers of students, opening branches of departments at manufacturing plants, reviewing working curricula of specialties, catalogs of elective disciplines, the protection of graduation projects (works) at the enterprises, the implementation of graduation projects and term papers on request of enterprises and others.
In this direction, we also work with enterprises on the provision of grant support to students of the institute. During 2017-2018 academic year, 129 students were trained under the grants of enterprises. The largest number of students are trained under the grants of SSGPO JSC (61 students), FAO “Aluminum of Kazakhstan” “KBRU” (17 students), LLP “Eltai-4” (14 students), LLP “Sunrise Oriel” (6 students). This current academic year new grant giver-companies have appeared too. Thus, a high efficiency of this cooperation allows to position Rudny Industrial Institute on the educational services market from the best side. In working with corporate partners a special attention is paid to the employment of graduates.
In order to enhance the graduates’ employment process, the following events were held: general curatorial hour of students with representatives of enterprises, curatorial hours on the topic “Employment: how to be prepared for it?”, Preliminary distribution of graduates, participation in the city and regional job fair, award competitions grants and scholarships of SSGPO JSC, Aluminum of Kazakhstan JSC, a branch of the KBRU. On the 9 th of December 2017 Deputy of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Independent Observer of the Supervisory Board of the Rudny Industrial Institute; Honorary Professor of the Rudny Industrial Institute; Doctor of Economics Rau Albert Pavlovich traditionally gave a lecture for RII students and teachers. The topic of the lecture: “Digital Kazakhstan” in the context of the development of Industry 4.0. During the lecture Rau A.P. Spoke about the main provisions of the State Program “Digital Kazakhstan”, reviewed the prerequisites for introducing elements of Industry 4.0 at the largest enterprises of Kazakhstan, discussed in more detail the relevance of implementing Industry 4.0, and also informed those present about the set of measures taken in Kazakhstan to introduce -industry elements Industry 4.0 until 2025 and the need for training for the implementation of the plans. The lecture was interesting and entertaining.
Albert Pavlovich gave many examples from his personal experience, shared his impressions of visiting advanced foreign enterprises, gave recommendations to students about their studies at the institute, focused on the need for students to better develop information technologies and introduce modern software products into the educational process. Students asked the lecturer questions. At the end of the lecture Rau A.P.
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Traditionally handed in a nominal grant in the amount of 450 thousand tenge was awarded to the 2 nd year student of the specialty Vocational Training Karabalina Diana. The rector of the Rudny Industrial Institute, A.Nayzabekov thanked Rau A.P. For a very useful and interesting lecture as well as congratulated him on the award of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2017 in the field of science and technology named after Al-Farabi, and also presented the nominal statuet of the winner of the “Patron in Educational Organizations – 2017” competition held by the regional committee of the trade union of education and science workers of Kostanay region. The program “With a diploma to a village!” provides a graduate with a one-time lifting allowance in the amount of 70 MCI, a budget loan for a period of 15 years, an increase of salary at least 25%. During five years of the program’s implementation 30 667 young specialists participated in this program.