Lekala Bashmachkov Gnomika

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Annual celebration of Lobachevsky's birthday by participants of 's student Mathematical Olympiad • Lobachevsky is the subject of songwriter/mathematician 's humorous song ' from his album. Crack scene from boogie nights. In the song, Lehrer portrays a Russian mathematician who sings about how Lobachevsky influenced him: 'And who made me a big success / and brought me wealth and fame? / Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky is his name.' Lobachevsky's secret to mathematical success is given as '!' , as long as one is always careful to 'call it, please, '.

According to Lehrer, the song is 'not intended as a slur on [Lobachevsky's] character' and the name was chosen 'solely for reasons'. • In 's 1969 novella 'Operation Changeling' – which was later expanded into the novel (1971) – a group of sorcerers navigate a with the assistance of the ghosts of Lobachevsky. The story also contains the line, 'Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky is his name,' possibly a nod to the Tom Lehrer song. • 's science fiction novel contains a poem dedicated to Lobachevsky. • 's -winning play,, references Lobachevsky repeatedly as the focus of Owen's geometry obsession. Works [ ] • Kagan V. Lobachevsky – Complete Collected Works, Vol.

374 Followers, 79 Following, 67 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Ekaterina Lekanova (@lekanova_).

I–IV (Russian), Moscow–Leningrad (GITTL) 1946–51 • Vol. I: Geometrical investigations on the theory of parallel lines; On the foundations of geometry (1829–30). II: New foundations of geometry with a complete theory of parallels. (1835–38) • Vol.

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III: Imaginary geometry (1835); Application of imaginary geometry to certain integrals (1836); Pangeometry (1856). IV: Works on other subjects. English translations •. Reprinted in Bonola: NonEuclidean Geometry 1912. Dover reprint 1955. Also in: Seth Braver Lobachevski illuminated, 2011.


Translated by Henry P. Manning: in A Source Book in Mathematics. McGraw Hill 1929. Dover reprint, p. 360–374. Halsted (tr.) 1897. Lobachevsky, Pangeometry, Translator and Editor: A.

Papadopoulos, Heritage of European Mathematics Series, Vol. 4, European Mathematical Society. See also [ ].