Russkie Strip Shashki 31 Klyuch

Russkie Strip Shashki 31 Klyuch 9,8/10 8960 reviews

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Rated 4 out of 5 El British Shorthair es una de las mas razas de gatos mas antiguas de Europa. Su origen viene de cruces entre los gatos que llegaron a Britania con los romanos y los gatos nativos de la isla, hace mas de dos mil anos. A finales del siglo XIX, se perfila la raza British Shorthair haciendo cruzas entre los gatos callejeros mas bonitos.

El resultado es un gato mas bien grande, con un cuerpo fuerte, compacto y musculoso, una espalda ancha (al igual que su lomo, torax y cuello) y una cola corta, aunque proporcionada. Sus patas, cortas, robustas y potentes, terminan en unos redondos pies.

En su ancha y redonda cabeza podemos ver un hocico corto, recto y ancho, y unos ojos, grandes y redondos, de color cobre o naranja. Su corto pelaje no esta adherido al cuerpo, y es mas denso y sedoso que el de un gato comun de pelo corto. El color mas conocido del manto de los British Shorthair es el azul (British Blue), aunque pueden presentarse todos los colores uniformes, bicolores, tricolores y atigrados. Details we have on the website – •. Rated 4 out of 5 Gatos carinosisimos y dociles, los Ragdoll son excelentes gatos domesticos ya que son muy familiares.

Les encanta estar cerca de su familia y compartirlo todo con ellos. Son inteligentes, obedientes, expresivos,?y muy sensibles! Ademas son tranquilos, nada violentos, ideales para familias con ninos. Fisicamente el Ragdoll es una raza grande y larga. Skachatj programmu dlya razdevaniya fotografij. Tanto que pueden llegar a parecer gatos gordos, pero no es asi. Su gran tamano es debido a su fortaleza osea y muscular.

Su cuerpo es compacto, con unos hombros y unas caderas muy anchas. Su cabeza es grande y en forma de cuna. En ella podemos ver unos ojos grandes de forma ovalada de un color que va desde el celeste hasta al azul. Sus orejas tambien son ligeramente grandes. Su hocico en cambio no es muy largo.

Su pelaje es semilargo y de tacto sedoso. Existen tres versiones diferentes de colores para el manto de los Ragdoll: bicolor, mitted (barbilla y patas blancas) o colorpoint (cuerpo de color blanco y extremidades de otro color). El pelaje de sus pies y de su cara puede ser blue (gris), lila, seal (marron) o chocolate. Details we have on the website – •.

Ok so explain me why should I go mad just because someone called me a Polack? Polish people are way too much sensitive from what I observe. Do you take every joke about polish thieves personally and burst with rage everytime you hear it? Man, just take it easy, for example I have a friend that used to be obese back in the past. Obvious thing that some people finally called him 'fat pig'. But instead of starting a fight he just said 'Yea, I'm fat so watch out because the ground is trembling when I'm walking'. Everyone laughed of course, nobody ever tried to insult him again because they knew it's impossible, moreover, everyone started liking him since then.

You get what I mean?;d. Words are nonetheless tools, not toys, and they can hurt, wound, or even kill! Calling someone 'a fat pig' is far from the same as calling them 'a fat (Polish) pig', ' cheap Jew', rather than simply 'a miser', 'cheapskate' etc. See my point here? Prysznic, all words are to a certain extent laden with implication.


Maybe you personally may not take offense if someone calls you a Polack, please understand though that such an epithet can cause severe hurt to many others. Sensitivity extends far beyond your own private realm and remember that race riots or the like all started with an 'innocent' little joke which turned out to be not so innocent:-). It's still better to laugh at it than to fight it, trust me. If someone doesn't like you just because you're Polish, it's not likely he will change his mind easily. It would be better to show that even though you are Polish you can still be a nice, good, clean, intelligent and honest person.

This will have much greater impact on the way such guy thinks about Poles than just protesting and expressing your irritation. Also, the mere fact one uses the word 'Polack' doesn't mean he wants to insult someone. Maybe he thinks it's how he should be calling Polish people, how do you know? Being polite, even to your enemies, is always the best way out. Also I respect the fact you can get offended by it, maybe I'm too easy-going sometimes:D. Sry for double posting.